Is There a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brooklyn, New York?

Question by kaycee: Is there a drug and alcohol rehab in Brooklyn, New York?
My colleague Dave approached me yesterday to tell me about his secret: he is addicted to alcohol and drugs. I was surprised about what he said and I asked him why he decided to tell me about it. He told me that he needs my help. He asked me if I know a drug and alcohol rehab somewhere in Brooklyn. He said that he finally gathered the courage to admit his problems and he asked me to accompany him to a rehab. I think he’s doing the right thing and I’m very proud of him. Please help us find a rehab in Brooklyn. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by sunnyday_sunday02
You must be very trustworthy. Of all the people in this world, he chose you to keep his secret and he asked you to come along with him. I admire people who voluntarily enters rehab facilities. Here are some links to websites containing very helpful information about alcohol and drug rehabs. Good luck!

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