Please Help! Where Do I Seek a Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse That Is Decent?
Question by dbelsila: Please help! Where do I seek a rehabilitation center for drug abuse that is decent?
My [foster] son in an abuser of crack cocaine. He has been “clean” for a while, but having trouble and really wants to use. I need to find a facility for him to go to to start rehab. Everything around me is like a 3 month waiting list! Anyone know how I can find help immediately? Some referral or some facility in Central Illinois. I’m willing to travel. I have looked on line and called tons of places. They have a waiting list. He is 19 with no insurance or job. Please please please help. We are desparate. I will even go to Wisconsin, Indiana, or Missouri. Please please please. We tried one facility, but it was awful. They actually were doing drugs right in the facility during the “class time”. Any suggestions for help? We have tried NA, it was a joke .. at least in my area. I don’t know how to find anything else. Any info would be helpful.
Need Help Finding a Drug Rehab Clinic for My Mom.?
Question by Jamie R: Need help finding a drug rehab clinic for my mom.?
My mom is on drugs, not sure what kind or anything she just called and said she wanted to get cleaned. That’s the first step right, so how can I get her the help she is going to need?? We live in Denison, Texas and I have no Idea where to start….IF you help me I will give you advice and comment your questions. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
thanks so much!!!
Best answer:
What Is Addiction? the Treatment Center
What is Addiction? The Treatment Center — When you do not have a lot of prior knowledge about addiction and recovery, it can be difficult to grasp what is happening. Family members and patients often…
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The Clearing | Residential Treatment Center | San Juan Island, WA
The Clearing | Residential Treatment Center | San Juan Island, WA — The Clearing is a holistic residential treatment center specializing in alcohol abuse, substance abuse, anxiety / depression, eating disorders, and other con…
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Can My Mom Make Me Go to Rehab?
Question by asdf: can my mom make me go to rehab?
ok so last night my mom smelled marijuana in my room. it was obvious i was smoking in my room because my weed smelled stronger than i thought it would. my moms knows i smoke and i thought we were to the point where she was pretty ok with it but apparentally not. last night she started freaking out at me.well anyways my question is can my mom force me into rehab. i turn 18 in a month on jan 18. Also i live in the state of ohio.
Question About Working in a Drug/alcohol Rehab Center?
Question by berry: Question about working in a drug/alcohol rehab center?
About a year ago, my brother died from a heroin overdose. It has destroyed my family and ever since then I’ve wanted to work in a drug/alcohol rehab center so that I can help other people save their lives before it is taken by drugs like my brother’s was. I’m now a freshman in college and I figured my best bet was to major in psychology. I have a few questions regarding working in a rehab center.