Drug Addiction Help

Which Drug Abuse Causing Lethargy, Facial Expressions (I.e. Bulldog Looking Face) and Passing Out.?

Question by Lwabshire: Which drug abuse causing lethargy, facial expressions (i.e. bulldog looking face) and passing out.?
I have a family member who exhibits the symptoms above and I am wanting to get help and know which drugs they are on. I believe it may be methadone combined with marijuana, pain pills, and alcohol. The most notable symptom seen is passing out, even when in environments with people, and the bulldog looking face. Facial expression where the eyebrows tend to frown in towards the nose, the mouth hangs open and the eyes nearly shut and body movement extremely slow.

What to Do About a Drug Addicted Family Member?

Question by Mella: what to do about a drug addicted family member?
my sister is addicted to painkillers (takes multiple doses of oxycodone a few times a day) and has been taking painkillers for about three years now. she started at vicodin and has made her way up to oxycodone. if she runs out of painkillers she usually goes to the emergency clinic where they dope her up on a few injections of dilaudid or some other strong painkillers. and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. there’s no talking to her about it as when i try to talk to her she sweeps it under the rug and acts like it is litterally not a problem at all, when obviously it’s not nnormal to take such a high dosage of painkillers so often so many times a day. when she runs out she also complains about “join pains” or a “back ache” but even still, you do not need freaking OXY CODONE for those things. what do i do? she has a family and husband yet nobody seems to be doing anything about it

How to Get Over My Wow Addiction?

Question by Jane D: How to get over my wow addiction?
first of wow=world of warcraft and i was a very big addict to it i mean non stop playing to the point where i would call into work or school to play online if there was a raid or something and at first i would delete the account and do ok for one month or so before i would buy it again and play again till i got to around lvl 40 and then quit again and repeat… well the problem is that i cannot stop playing long before i go out and buy the game again and start all over and whenever i see any kind of advertising for it i get a OVERWHELMING desire to go buy it and play again so i am wondering how can i get over this addiction for it any tips from past junkies would be great thanks
im not really looking for a new game im just wanting to learn tips on how to avoid giving into my urges to play and i cant really afford a therapist right now

Your Outlook, Online Gaming Addiction?

Question by Paris: Your outlook, Online Gaming Addiction?
Is it a problem?

Should it be considered an actual addiction along with alcoholism and such things

Best answer:

Answer by the beetles…..
Its not as bad as you physically or mentally, but it is a huge waste of time. It falls under an ediction to entertainment us humans have.

Prescription Drug Abuse – Regina LaBelle

Prescription Drug Abuse – Regina LaBelle — Regina LaBelle: Chief of Staff of the White House Office of Drug Control speaks about Prescription Drug Abuse. ETSU Online Programs – http://www.etsu.edu/online.

States revolt against powerful new painkiller
BARRE, Vt. (AP) — State officials fighting a well-publicized battle against heroin and prescription drug abuse are revolting against a powerful new painkiller that law enforcement and public health officials fear could worsen an already acute drug …
Read more on Tbo.com

More Online Drug Abuse Help Information…

Teacher’s Anti-Drug Quotes

Teacher’s Anti-Drug Quotes — Red Ribbon Week 2013.

Pastillas cialis para que sirven
These releases are also notable for being the region 1 DVD debut for the FUNimation and uncut pastillas cialis paras que sirven of Dragon Ball Episodes 1-13, so tell your doctor or pharmacist of all the drugs you take (see Drug Interactions section …
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Arianna Huffington interview – 'I find stories everywhere'
(The biggest bleugh is when she quotes the chief executive of Whole Foods Market at a "Third Metric" conference she hosts saying: "We must bring love out of the corporate closet. … for the Soul" app), I find myself taken aback by something moving …
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